Testing our ideas
through simulations.
Modelling Drug Delivery
Kinetics of the Reactions
Tailored Drug Delivery

Modelling Drug Delivery

Our novel approach to targeted drug delivery has been investigated further by simulating a region of a capillary and surrounding tissue using a system of partial differential equations (PDEs). Through making reasonable assumptions and simplifications of the modelled system, solutions were generated to describe the behaviour of the drug-carrying liposomes when they reach a region where cancerous cells are present in the tissue.

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Kinetics of the Reactions

The kinetics of this strand-displacement reaction was based on the methods described by 'Control of DNA Strand Displacement Kinetics using Toehold Exchange' (Winfree and Zhang, 2009). The simulations were carried out for two different example toeholds we could use. These are:


Tailored Drug Delivery

These mathematical models can be used in combination to give a simulation of the dynamics of the system when the rate of nanopore opening is manipulated. This simulation was made in MATLAB in order to solve the PDEs previously described and investigated four different toeholds. Shown individually in the tabs below are the toeholds, a description of their relative binding energy strength and the simulation itself running. Taken together, these results cofirm that the idea of this technology is feasible, as all tumour sites robustly disappear over time at different simulated rates. In addition, the simulations suggest that with slower kinetics there is a more even distribution of drug around the cancer site. Thus, this provides opportunities to tailor the kinetics of the system for future personalised medicine applications.